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Fantastische Ballonreise

Fantastische Ballonreise

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Fantastische Ballonreise [Fantastic Balloon Voyage] is a dice game for 2-5 players. The idea is to fly as quickly as possible. Whoever can land at his destination first wins. Fantastische Ballonreise will take you flying all over Germany and its neighbors following a 'must visit' list set at the start of the game. At the various stops you will read a card which is descriptive of the folklore of the location and has a special effect on play, including trivia contests, drawing pictures or singing songs. This game was developed as a promotional item for the soft drink manufacturer Fanta. Includes five miniature plastic balloons which go up and down on stands to show their current altitude. Players race their balloons, and special dice are used to determine the change of orientation of a large wind rose, which indicates the amount of movement permitted in each direction, but lines on the board indicate which directions can be travelled in from each space. Cards are dealt out to indicate start position, end position and four intermediate points in each player's route. Very nice item. - BoardGameGeek

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