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Focus (or Domination) is a Sid Sackson abstract strategy game for two to four in which players attempt to make moves and capture pieces in such a manner that their opponent(s) have no moves remaining.On a turn a player may move a piece or stack of pieces based on the number of pieces that comprise it as well as the number of pieces to be moved (e.g. 1-piece = 1 space, 3 piece stack = 3 spaces.) When a stack grows over five pieces, pieces from the bottom of the stack are removed to bring the stack back down to five. Pieces of a player's own color that are taken by that player are reserved to re-enter the game at a later time pieces of the opponent's color are kept as captured. Reserved pieces can be entered on a turn in any space on the board in place of making a move of pieces strategic use of reserved pieces can make the game by utilizing them to capture stacks controlled by opponent(s).Also published in A Gamut of Games. - BoardGameGeek

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