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The savage splendor and pageantry of ancient Rome lives again in this game of man-to-man gladiatorial combat. Each player assumes the role of one of a matched pair of gladiators pitted in a contest of arms to the death. Superbly trained and equipped for the sole purpose of entertaining the citizenry with their life and death struggles, each man must fight with all the skill he can muster for his very survival. There is no question of bravery in the arena. It is kill or be killed and each man must muster all the skills and cunning he can summon in this most desperate of battles for survival. There can be only one victor in the arena and no second chance for the loser. For missus can be granted the fallen only at the whim of the emperor. And all too often mercy takes the form of a quick end on an opponent's blade. Let the games begin!Prior to publication by Avalon Hill, Gladiator was included in the Battleline printing of Circus MaximusMagazine References:The GENERAL Index Article List: The GENERAL Vol.18,No.4 Gladiator - 'The Subject, The Game & Expansion of the Arena' (Historical/Design Discussion/Variant) Thomas C. Springsteen Gladiator - 'Defense Modifations for Gladiator' (Variant) Don Greenwood Gladiator - 'The Wisdom of the Arena - Assessing Your Chances in Gladiator' (Strategy) Bob Medrow The Question Box - Circus Maximus, Gladiator, D-Day The GENERAL Vol.19,No.4 Circus Maximus/Gladiator - 'Colosseum Campaign - Combining Gladiator & Circus Maximus' (Variant) Alan Gopin and Bill Neumann The GENERAL Vol.24,No.5 Gladiator - 'The Dance of Death - The Billings Rules for Gladiator' by John E. Hyler - BoardGameGeek

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